So this is pretty awesome… let’s keep it up, girls 😉

some random dumb things that have happened:

1. last night we were at mcdonalds….  in the
drive-thru….  we were behind the car that was at the pickup
window, when the car behind us bumped into us.  how do you bump
into someone in a drive-thru?  you’re going like 2 miles an hour
and only move when you see the car in front of you move.

2. I was putting my hoodie on a bit ago, and there is this fan in this
room….  as my arm was going in the sleeve i was sticking it up
in the air, causing my hand/arm to occupy the same space at the fan,
thereby causing it to inflict pummelling upon it.

there are probably other things, but I am too lazy to think about them.

on another note, i think it best to put an end to this “jason doesn’t
work” myth once and for all.  There was burger king.  There
was Toys R Us.  There was the school cafeteria.  There was
Lightstorm (just because I didn’t get paid doesn’t make it not
work.)  Now there is Schoop’s.  So really, this is nothing
new.  No doubt I have been employed to a lesser extent then many
other people, but this means little.

well, i am going to go now, because i need to drive back to my
apartment so that i can sleep, and wake up for my 8 o clock class

ok… well ummm… bye 🙂

6 thoughts on “”

  1. ok, so you’ve worked a few days in your lifetime. And even done laundry a couple of times while away at school.  Congratulations.

    *runs away to avoid a pummelling somewhat like the fan did to you*

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