So apparently Microsoft has decided it’s time to fix their CSS
rendering?  Is this too good to be true?  I quote from the
IE7 blog…

“Address CSS consistency problems. Our first and most important goal
with our Cascading Style Sheet support is to remove the major
inconsistencies so that web developers have a consistent set of
functionality on which they can rely.  For example, we have already
checked in the fixes to the peekaboo and guillotine bugs documented at so use of floated elements become more consistent. “

That almost makes me look forward to it’s release.  Almost.

5 thoughts on “”

  1. yeah I agree. but hopefully they won’t just fix some and not others. or create new problems… we already have to have more then one hack because of the difference between IE6 and IE5-5.5.
    i just have this strange feeling its going to cause more, different problems….

  2. If they fix all the bugs, they won’t have any reason to sell us new patches and new versions. It will never happen. Pardon my cynicism.

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