signs with those words on them should be on display all over this campus. 

As we all know, squirrels have been plotting the overthrow of mankind for several generations now.  They have been biding their time, and waiting for the perfect time to strike.

I have found in my short time here that Southeastern College, in Lakeland, FL, seems to be their main base of operations.  They are everywhere.  In the trees, in the bushes, in the grass, under cars, on cars… everywhere.  They jump out of nowhere, they stalk you… they are quite simply, out of control.

Just now… In my trek from my dorm to Emily and Lisa’s room over in Aventura, across campus, I was savagely attacked by such packs of squirrels.  One of them dashed out in front of me and then clung to a tree.  I saw several others all around me… 

Just as they were about to strike, several people walked near me.  The squirrels, being aware that multiple people could finish them off quickly, turned cowardly, and ran back up their trees.  I was saved only by the grace of God.

It has become ridiculous.  I can’t even leave my room anymore for fear that the squirrels may get to me.  Yes, sometimes I even fear that squirrels may have gotten inside… into the hallway.  My door is locked at all times.  I keep things shoved under the crack in the bottom of it… it is the perfect size for the squirrels to slip under…  coincidence?  I think not.  Obviously they have an inside man… some traitorous human working for squirrel world dominance designed this building…. I intend to find out who he is……….  and finish him….

more squirrel updates coming soon.

oh yes, and I still don’t understand people.

Disorder Rating
Paranoid: Low
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: Moderate
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Low
Narcissistic: Low
Avoidant: Low
Dependent: Low
Obsessive-Compulsive: Low

Click Here To Take The Test

Yeah, so I’m moderately schizo… we already knew SOMETHING wasn’t right in my head :P….

Anyway, I took this one too even though it was obviously geared towards girls:

Of course, I just picked whatever answer I found most amusing at the time…. according to my answers, on the weekend I “go check out the guys at the coolest club BABY!”, my ideal guy is a “Major HOTTIE!”, and my friends will “dress up in a funky chicken costume for me”, and I’d say “Any guys around? *looks in pocket mirror*”…

Note what I said earlier about something not being right with my mind.

and just in case there’s any doubt… no, I do not prefer the company of men. I much prefer the women.

Well, decided to check on Zao and see what they’re up too, since their little break-up/reconciliation a few months ago (they’re back to the best lineup again! muahaha)… anyway… yeah… I found out apparently their new album will be coming out on July 16th. And their last show will be at Cornerstone. Of course, whether or not this will in fact be their last show is anyways guess, since, as any Zao fan knows, they break up about 12 times a year….. I’m hoping they’ll continue on… in my opinion they’re the best band of their respective style out their… granted, living Sacrifice is at a close second.. but LS is a lot more metal…. but.. anyway.. yeah.

Hmmm… I like this song… a lot:

“For what it’s worth, thank you.
For what it’s worth, I love you.
For what I’m worth, take me.
For what I’m worth, use me.

I’ve read of all you’ve done for me
Now let me do for you.
And I pray that I never lose sight
Of all that you went through.

And the stripes on his back can you see them?
Can you imagine?
And the holes in his hands can you feel them?
Nails pierced the skin.
And the feeet that he stood on so broken.
His spirit still strong.
And the love that he’s given to me
Is forever long.
For what it’s worth, thank you.
For what it’s worth, I love you.
For what I’m worth, take me.
For what I’m worth, use me.

And the stripes on your back I can see them.
I can’t imagine.
And the holes in your hands I can feel them.
Nails pierced your skin.
The feet that you stood on so broken.
Your spirit still strong.
The love that you’ve given to me
Is forever long.

And the stripes on his back can you see them?
Can you imagine?
And the holes in his hands can you feel them?
Nails pierced the skin.
And the feet that he stood on so broken.
His spirit still strong.
And the love that he’s given to me
Is forever long.
For what it’s worth, thank you.
For what its worth, I love you.
For what I’m worth, take me.
For what I’m worth, use me.
For what it’s worth, thank you.”

“For What It’s Worth,” by Dogwood

Ok, so over the past couple of days my site has resumed sucking. I just haven’t really much felt like writing. But I guess I should, so here goes.

This week continues to be as last week was. Non-stop ups and downs… no consistent good or bad. Though… there is consistency in some areas… I’m not sure if I should complain about the lack of consistency or not… I don’t know for certain that I’d prefer a consistent bad. Anyway, it seems to me that it would only take a few very simple things to keep me happy… doesn’t seem like I want all that much… but i guess my expectations of life are too great, despite their apparent simplicities. At least for the time being. Granted, put into proper perspective, I don’t really have any serious problems at the moment. No life or death situations… nothing that is not going to be resolved given enough time. But even so, that does not make me any more happy about them.

But.. just, in general… things in life rarely work out exactly the way I would like them too. Usually they work out in a way completely different then in the way I would like them to. I think reality maybe has some kind of twisted vendetta against me, and wants to do everything in it’s power to make things contrary to how I want them to be. But then, I guess reality doesn’t actually have a will of its own, seeing as it is not a being and all… darn technicalities.

In other news: 14 days of school left (not including weekends). Also, Scum of the Earth (the church with the coolest name for a church I have ever heard) has updated the design on their website. Their is absolutely no info on the page at the moment, but the new design is really spiffy. Check it out: Scum of the Earth.

I continue to look for a place to move my writings site to… and/or await for Jon to get his thing set up so I can run it off of his server. Am considering maybe just purchasing a crosswinds account. It may be worth it just for the pop e-mail account. I hate webmail… and have been using it for far too long now.

Anyway, that’s it for now.



Well, I have spent a great deal more time working on that site… Everything is up and running now.  I will still be doing more to it, but the essentials are all there.  And I will regularly be adding stuff to it (I will also post my new writings on here as well still, but, yeah)…

Anyway, I am going to move it to a different server sometime… I did not realize that Crosswinds had gone stupid and started using pop-up windows until i was working on it just now.  Stupid crosswinds.

ok, so I don’t understand how the new picture that is there ended up there.  I attempted to upload an entirely different picture… but… you know.. oh well… what can you do, right?  So I decided, there must be some reason why it came up instead of what I wanted.  Perhaps it is for some divine plan.  What divine plan requires use of that picture I do not know, but nonetheless, it is there, and it remains.

I don’t know why I am thinking about this, but for some reason the concept of perspective is in my mind right now.  Like…  one event, that 4 different people all experience….  it’s the same exact thing, but every single person remembers it differently.  It’s weird, and mental state has like a huge impact on your perspective.  Like if you’re depressed, everything is remembered in a negative light.  If you’re happy, everything is remembered in a positive light.  That’s why it’s hard to get out of a bad day and whatnot.  I think if people could learn to control their perspective a little better, they would be a lot better off.  If you choose to see things positively, I think you will find much more happiness in small things.  Personally, I’m at kind of a 50/50 point…..  about half the times I’m seeing things positively, the other half negatively.  That’s far too much seeing things negatively… so I’ll definately be working on that.

I also need to work on sleeping rather then staying up endlessly. 😉

On that note… 😉

Ok, so I made the website for my writings and stuff.

It is here: http://www.crosswinds.net/~reese268/.

It is not formatted or anything yet, and looks really bad.  later my friends… later.

“Never forget that when they all love you there is something awry.  Every scapegoat was once a star, and every star will soon fall.  Let us never forget, again, that we all love to celebrate the failure of ours heroes.  We live in a world of scapegoats because we all want the same things in our evil, evil hearts.  Let us never forget that the same crowd that cheers at your triumphant entry will be the ones that crucify you in the end.  And in the search for a moral, consider: The very thing that is worth dying for is the very thing they will hate you for.”

-“Corporate T-shirt Slogans,” by Andrew Schwab