Failure To Post

So my hopes of doing daily blog posts seem to be fruitless. I should probably try to work into it slowly, maybe starting with Saturday and Sunday posts and posting during the week when/if I can.

I wanted to post today though because after my weight stagnating and upticking a few pounds following the diet change up, finally last night / this morning it seems to have moved downward again. I’m finally getting closer to that initial goal of 174 again. 176.4 was this morning’s weigh in. Once I’m there, I can finally say that I’m not overweight anymore. So that will be a big one for me.

Of course, the timeframe of Thanksgiving through Christmas and New Years is probably going to slow down progress, but I’m hopeful to hit 174 by the end of November and maintain it (or continue to lose) through the end of the year.

Upon hitting 174, the long beard will be going away as well. Now, I know that I won’t be going clean shaven, but, I’ve not decided exactly what I’ll be doing yet. I’d like to have some interesting facial hair, just shorter. We’ll see.

I’ve done a lot of running as well, I went 4 days in a row, took a day off on Wednesday because I went to a movie that night, then ran last night. I am going to a movie again tonight but might try to squeeze a run in as well. I will definitely run Saturday and Sunday.

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