Day Sixty

60. It’s another good number. That’s 2/3 of the way there. And that’s pretty exciting.

Other than that milestone, today is largely a nothing day. No real weight change, nothing of significance diet-wise today… it’s just another day. I’m just really glad that the random mind fog I experienced on Tuesday has stayed gone.

So today will be one of those super short posts, because I really have nothing much to say.

So, 60. As you know, there are 60 seconds in a minute, and there are 60 minutes in an hour. Not exactly a thrilling fact to learn, I know. But do you know why this is the case? You can thank the Babylonians, who used the sexagesimal (base 60) number system they inherited from the Sumerians for their astronomical calculations. Their techniques were later adopted by the Greeks.

That’s also why there is 360 degrees in a circle. And also geographic coordinates use the base 60 number system.

We don’t use astronomical time anymore though, we use UTC (Coordinated Universal Time… I think someone screwed up on the acronym). So we redefined a second as the duration of 9,192,631,770 energy transitions of the cesium atom. Then, to keep in line with astronomical time, we make adjustments, kind of like we do with days in a year on a leap year. So some of your minutes are a bit longer than others. Every ten years, you get eight 61 second minutes.

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