Day Seventy-Seven

77! Alright! I didn’t forget tonight! We’re already off to a better start than last time.

So I’m in the final 2 weeks of my 90 day commitment now. I’ve had some ups and downs, thankfully the hard times during the diet have been relatively few. Now that I’m here, it feels like the time has gone by pretty fast. But I probably shouldn’t speak too soon… surely a lot can happen in just under 2 weeks.

I decided to again try on what I think might be my smallest jeans… barring possibly if I still have some jeans that I had back in college (If I still have those, I’m not sure where they are). They fit now! I also tried on a shirt I’ve owned for 3 years but never worn other than to try it on to see how it fit. It also fits! I still have a decent ways to go to reach my goal…  Basically another 18 pounds. But I’ve come a long way. Obviously that goal isn’t going to happen in 2 weeks… I won’t hit that 174 marker in 2 weeks probably either… but that’s OK. Things did seem to speed up this week though… if that continues through the next couple weeks, the chances of me extending this are pretty good. I mean, I want to eat and drink some of the things I’ve been off of for awhile, but if it keeps feeling not that hard to continue, and the weight keeps coming steadily off, then why mess with it? We’ll see. On Day Ninety I’ll make some kind of decision.

Anyway, 77! In certain numerological systems based on the English alphabet, the number 77 is associated with Jesus Christ. CHRIST is C = 3, H = 8, R = 18, I = 9, S = 19, T = 20, which added together equal 77.

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