Day Nineteen

Here we are at nineteen. It’s the third Friday of the diet, making it the third time I’ve had to resist free bagels at work. And today it was worse, because while typically the bagels disappear by around 11, today there were still several sitting there even when I was headed home. But, fret not, I resisted them.

Aside from that, I mentioned yesterday that my stomach was still feeling a bit finicky. That has continued through today – I’ve felt a bit on the sick side all day… mostly stomach stuff. I skipped breakfast and had very little for lunch. Had a decent sized meal for dinner (double meat salad at chipotle). Hopefully things improve here tomorrow – we’ll see. I’m also really tired today, but that’s probably because I didn’t sleep very soundly last night… I woke up a bunch of times.

I also mentioned yesterday that I wanted to widen the bounds of these posts a bit. I’m working on some ideas to roll out sometime during the next 71 days, but for now, I’m going to just add in (optionally, not necessarily on every post) something that has to do with my day… whether that be a conversation I had, or a podcast I listened to, or a movie I watched, or… whatever.

Hopefully that will spice things up here a little. And keep me from having any really short completely pointless posts.

But this one is long enough, and so without further ado, I will end it. See you on twenty.

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